I truly want you to reach your health & wellness goals, and I appreciate the opportunity to work with you. To ensure that my services are right for you and that you feel comfortable moving forward, I'd like to get to know a little about you, your story, and your goals. Please complete the confidential pre-consultation questionnaire below. Once submitted, you will receive a link to schedule your 15-minute ZOOM strategy session with me.



Where are you located (City, State) and what time zone are you in?*
What are your main goals for seeking health & wellness/functional nutrition counseling? (Select all that apply and fill in if needed)?*
Do you have any known health or medical conditions or diagnosis that I should know about in helping you to find the best care? If yes, please explain.*
What have you tried so far to reach your goal? (Diets, testing, programs, etc)*
Which of the following items are currently in your diet in ANY amount: (Select all that apply)*
What percentage of your meals are currently home cooked?*
Please let me know anything else about you and your goals for working with me.*
I am committed to working with individuals who are dedicated to their health and ready to receive support on thier individualized journey to health and wellness. In a few sentences, tell me something about yourself and history that will help me get to know you before we dig deeper into your concerns. *

Amount to be charged:

Payment Info

Feel good in your body with tips to your inbox.
P.S. I won't sell your information and will not bombard your inbox ...I promise!

By providing your phone number, you expressly consent to receive text messages from AMW. Message and data rates may apply. Your consent is obtained solely for the purpose of sending you information related to and will not be shared with unauthorized third parties. Opt-In Methods: You can provide consent electronically via this website. If you are providing consent in-person or through another method, please ensure you are familiar with the terms here. For more details on how we handle your information and for our complete privacy policy and terms of service, please click here.


Copyright Angela Marie Wellness