About Me
I'm a former ICU nurse and I left "sick" care for "health" care! 

I am a wife, mom of 2, and I live in the same beautiful little beach town where I grew up in Maryland, and I am so glad you found me!

I have always been fascinated with the body--how it functions, how it moves... I am amazed at how it works. The constant balancing of the good and the bad things we put it through.

That glass of wine ... vs the green smoothie...
Those "can’t control myself" moments where you eat the entire bag of chips… vs that beautiful salad...
Sleepless nights and stressful days… vs the relaxing mindful moments and your favorite workout...

It’s a tough job, but some”body” has to do it (pun intended). 
For every action, there is a reaction (good and/or bad), so yup, everything DOES matter.

I love learning about the body. I'm literally in awe (nerding out 🤓) about what our bodies can do.  I proudly weaved my way through Bachelor’s Degrees in Nursing and Respiratory Therapy, worked in critical care for 10 years, and then I decided...

I needed to get out of “sick care” and into “health care”! 

Forever the “hardworking, take charge, caretaker” type, I like helping people. I shocked everyone though, when I left my nursing career and became a pole & aerial fitness trainer (😲yup, my favorite way to out) and personal trainer. Later, I merged my healthcare background with my wellness career and became a board-certified health coach with a specialty in functional nutrition. There is still sooo much I want to learn! I've always had this growth mindset and it has taken me down many paths, but I can see things from so many unique lenses now!

Everything is connected and I understand that. 

I’m always taking a step back and saying hmm... 
“What does that mean?”
“What’s causing that?”
"Why did that happen?"

A few years ago, my husband became ill after Covid and no one had answers (or answers that we would accept). He tried everything the doctors recommended, but nothing was helping. I kept researching and looking for the why, what, and how. I kept saying something else is going on, and he would say "Something just doesn't feel right", but no one seemed to listen to us or take that deeper look. They would say “Do this” or “Give it some time”… but when you don’t feel well, that just isn’t enough

We saw a functional medicine practitioner and that’s when I really became interested in functional medicine and holistic approaches. No one had ever asked so many questions, looked at so many angles of his life, and discovered so many connections. Turns out he had mold toxins that caused a chronic inflammatory response throughout his body and Covid pushed his body into a further inflammatory state. It took almost 2 years for someone to make that connection! It was easy to see once you mapped HIS unique story out, stood back, and looked at the WHOLE picture and everything that had been going on--it was not one thing (and it never is!). 

That was my ah-ha moment and it sent me down the health coaching and functional nutrition path. You know your body best, you need someone to listen and together figure out a plan for YOU, not give you the 'one-size-fits-all" plan they give to everyone.

How tuned in to your body are you? 
Do you listen to what your body is telling you? 
No matter how big or small, those things you feel… 
It’s your body saying “Hello!? You need to check this out.”

I like getting curious and asking WHY? Figuring out what’s going on in there and then connecting the dots is what I like to do. Everything is connected and someone just has to figure it out.

I like to know EVERYTHING I can, so I chose to have genetic testing done and it showed that I am at high risk for breast and colon cancer. I want to keep those genes (and any other bad ones) turned OFF!!

I want to take care of my body.
I want to be well and I'm sure you do too!

I have been into health & fitness my whole life. It’s challenging to make the right choices and I am not perfect, but I have found ways to make it fit MY life. Balance is key. What works for me might not work for you, but I find joy in helping clients discover what works for them and their life.

On a 0-10 scale where 10 is your best self, where are you? Where do you want to be?
Just because you aren’t sick or diagnosed with something doesn’t mean your body is functioning well.

We all know it comes down to lifestyle. Everything is affected +/- by nutrition, exercise, weight, and so many other choices we make every day. Everything we do, think, and consume... it all matters! I am passionate about this stuff because so much is preventable, and reversible, and with the right guidance and support, is totally DOABLE! 

Everything happens for a reason and I am grateful that my journey has led me here, to you. 
My family says I am strong and wise, friends say calm and in control, but when my clients tell me they feel understood and supported, I know I am doing what I’m meant to do. And, a thriving, high level of wellness, best self kind of place is where we all deserve to be.

I hope you will allow me to take this journey with you!

Bachelor of Science, Nursing & Respiratory Therapy
ACE Certified Personal Trainer
Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach, NBC-HWC
ACE Behavioral Change Specialist
Pole Fitness Alliance Master Trainer
Functional Nutrition Counselor, CFNC
Ready to figure out your unique path to wellness?
Let's chat and discover your journey.


Copyright Angela Marie Wellness