Mixed Pole Fit & Dance:  Full 1-Hour Classes
**To reduce the risk of injury, make sure you have warmed up prior to participating in any physical activity. Always check that your pole is secure and properly installed, 
listen to your body, and use your best judgment. Participate at your own risk.**

If you are missing your studio classes or would rather not "build-your-own" class from the library, then these videos are perfect for you! These are 1-hour pole fitness & dance classes with options for all levels (unless noted). Each class includes a warm-up, strength drills, climb & pose options, a routine breakdown, and finish with a cooldown. *Some classes also include an invert option for those already inverting. 

Moves included: Side dance turn, backhook closed spin, SH pose options, low pole pose & floorwork, and more. 

Moves included: Kick around dance turn, leaning cup spin, NG pose options, low lift spins options, floorwork, and more.

*This is a recording of an actual studio class. Moves included: Pole hop over dance turn option, martini (straight leg fireman) to rockstar spin progression, twisted ballerina pose options, floorwork, and more.

Moves included: Side dance turn, front hook open spin, sit options, elbow brace straddle pose options, floorwork, and more.

Moves included: Elbow dance turn pirouette to FH, knee spin (IL fireman), side climb & pose options, floorwork, and more.

Moves included: OA pirouette, straddle spin, jasmine options, SM prance (invert option), floorwork, and more.

Moves included:  OA pirouette dance turn, Backhook open spin, climb to pike sit/plank options, floorwork, and more.

Moves included: Thigh rest dance turn, FH & whip spin, side knee/cupid options, floorwork, and more.  *Spin pole variation below!

This is the spin pole option for the MPF & Dance Class 2.7. *Please review the full class (above).

Moves included: Pole hop over dance turn, attitude step-thru spin, arch back pose options, floorwork, and more.

Moves included: Leaning cup dance turn, chair spin, low lift spin option, side climb to stronghold FH pose options (figurehead), floorwork, and more.

Moves included: Swing & knee hook, back spiral spin, climb & pose options, floorwork, and more.

Moves included: Swing & pirouette to front hook, side climb & pose options, carousel spin (arch) leaning cup spin, floorwork, and more.

Moves included: Elbow dance turn, back hook open spin, crossed leg sit to figure 4 layback options, floorwork, and more.

Moves included: Thigh rest dance turn, backhook closed spin, side climb to stronghold FH pose options (figurehead), floorwork, and more.

Moves included: Side dance turn, leaning cup spin, arch back pose options, floorwork, and more.

Moves included: Swing & pirouette, FH & whip spin, side sit options, floorwork, and more.

Moves included: Swing & knee hook, DB attitude spin, V-sit options, floorwork, and more.

Moves included: Kick around dance turn, FH horizontal spin, twisted ballerina options, floorwork, and more.

Moves included: Elbow dance turn, reverse DB attitude/stag spin, sit with prancy legs, climb & pose options, floorwork, and more.

Moves included: Side turn, FH & roll spin, pole plank options, floorwork, and more. *Check out the spin pole option below!

This is the spin pole option for the MPF & Dance Class 10.23. *Please review the full class (above).


Copyright Angela Marie Wellness