Moves included: Side dance turn, backhook closed spin, SH pose options, low pole pose & floorwork, and more.
Moves included: Kick around dance turn, leaning cup spin, NG pose options, low lift spins options, floorwork, and more.
*This is a recording of an actual studio class. Moves included: Pole hop over dance turn option, martini (straight leg fireman) to rockstar spin progression, twisted ballerina pose options, floorwork, and more.
Moves included: Side dance turn, front hook open spin, sit options, elbow brace straddle pose options, floorwork, and more.
Moves included: Elbow dance turn pirouette to FH, knee spin (IL fireman), side climb & pose options, floorwork, and more.
Moves included: OA pirouette, straddle spin, jasmine options, SM prance (invert option), floorwork, and more.
Moves included: OA pirouette dance turn, Backhook open spin, climb to pike sit/plank options, floorwork, and more.
Moves included: Thigh rest dance turn, FH & whip spin, side knee/cupid options, floorwork, and more. *Spin pole variation below!
This is the spin pole option for the MPF & Dance Class 2.7. *Please review the full class (above).
Moves included: Pole hop over dance turn, attitude step-thru spin, arch back pose options, floorwork, and more.
Moves included: Leaning cup dance turn, chair spin, low lift spin option, side climb to stronghold FH pose options (figurehead), floorwork, and more.
Moves included: Swing & knee hook, back spiral spin, climb & pose options, floorwork, and more.
Moves included: Swing & pirouette to front hook, side climb & pose options, carousel spin (arch) leaning cup spin, floorwork, and more.
Moves included: Elbow dance turn, back hook open spin, crossed leg sit to figure 4 layback options, floorwork, and more.
Moves included: Thigh rest dance turn, backhook closed spin, side climb to stronghold FH pose options (figurehead), floorwork, and more.
Moves included: Side dance turn, leaning cup spin, arch back pose options, floorwork, and more.
Moves included: Swing & pirouette, FH & whip spin, side sit options, floorwork, and more.
Moves included: Swing & knee hook, DB attitude spin, V-sit options, floorwork, and more.
Moves included: Kick around dance turn, FH horizontal spin, twisted ballerina options, floorwork, and more.
Moves included: Elbow dance turn, reverse DB attitude/stag spin, sit with prancy legs, climb & pose options, floorwork, and more.
Moves included: Side turn, FH & roll spin, pole plank options, floorwork, and more. *Check out the spin pole option below!
This is the spin pole option for the MPF & Dance Class 10.23. *Please review the full class (above).