Tutorials:  Dance Turns, Floor & Misc Moves
**To reduce the risk of injury, make sure you have warmed up prior to participating in any physical activity. Always check that your pole is secure and properly installed, listen to your body, and use your best judgment. Participate at your own risk.**
Dance Turn Tips:
  • Keep your feet close to the base and your lead arm high, but allow your body to lean out and away from the pole.
  • Think about pulling down on the pole and keeping your shoulder engaged.
  • Imagine you have a foot size circular dance space at the base of the pole.
  • Dance turn progressions typically start with outside leg dance turns, then inside leg dance turns, and reverse dance turns (change in direction). Then they progress to dance turns with strength--ones with a lift off the floor variation or a spin/dance turn combination.
  • Think about your grip, points of contact, and direction changes.
  • Just dance!
Dance Turns
This is the foundation move for dance turns and spins, and a great transition move to get from one side to the other.

This basic dance transition will smoothly transition you from one side to the other.

This is the instructional video for the swing & pirouette dance turn.

This is the instructional video for the swing & pirouette with a dip (the add-on variation to the basic swing & pirouette). 

This is the instructional video for the swing & full pirouette dance turn, plus the variation for the pirouette into front hook options.

This is the instructional video for the swing & knee hook dance turn.

The outside arm pirouette is a nice transition move to get you from one side to the other.

The side turn dance turn is a good transition move to get from one side to the other, or you can add a dip at the end, or at the end try stepping the OL wide to face the pole. 

This instructional video includes the basic elbow dance turn, plus a way to challenge your strength by adding a lift! 

This is the instructional video for the leaning cup dance turn.

This is the instructional video for the kick-around. This is a good transition move to get you from one side to the other, and a great strength drill, especially for invert prep. 

This is the instructional video for the pole hop over dance turn, which is a progression for the swing & reverse dance turn. Both options are great ways to transition from one side to the other.

This is the instructional video for combining any outside leg spin with a pirouette.

This is the instructional video for the spin combo/dance turn. You should be comfortable with the DB attitude/stag spin and floating the legs off the pole prior to attempting this option. 

The prance dance turn can be used as prep work for "off the pole" spins (ex. chair spin), and other options and combinations.

The back spiral can be used as a dance turn or a spin, and I will teach you the techniques for both in this video. This is an interm/adv move because it is an "off the pole" spin (no leg contact). As a dance turn, one foot stays grounded vs as a spin, both legs are lifted up.

This move can be used as a dance turn or as a spin, so there is a lot covered in this instructional video! This is an intermediate spin because the body is horizontally spinning around the pole. There are a few grip options and leg variations to this spin, as well as the option to spin to the floor, step out of it as a dance turn, or even take it to an invert.

This is the instructional video for the reverse catch/reverse grab dance turn. *Be very cautious with your shoulders in this move. 

Floor & Misc Moves
This instructional video covers everything you need to know to body wave/roll. Isolations, techniques, variations, and options.

In this instructional video, we'll break down the technique and tips for big girly kicks. This move is a great move for warming up, gaining strength, and improving flexibility. It is one of my favorites!!

This instructional video shows you the booty pop techniques for standing with the pole, squatting with the pole, and on all 4s on the floor. HAVE FUN with this one!

This is the instructional video for a pole-to-floor transition using the side pole plank.

This is the instructional video for the forward shoulder rollover.

This is the instructional video for the backward shoulder rollover.

This shoulder roll-over variation takes you from standing with your back to the pole to rolling forward onto the floor using the shoulder roll-over pole-to-floor transition.

This instructional video is the basic kick around/fan kick move, great to use as a strength move or drill to prep for inverting. (Also check out the kick-around dance turn video option).

Resources & Bonuses
Tips & helpful stuff.

PDF: Pole Terminology


Copyright Angela Marie Wellness